Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Campaign Tail 2008

We're not sure who to endorse yet in the 2008 election but John Edwards is looking pretty good. We like that he's making his campaign carbon neutral and we think that he would give pretty good back scratches. Be sure to read his interview with Grist Magazine. Here is Venus' tribute to his photo from the Grist article.

She doesn't have the bangs but she looks pretty serious and trustworthy. Check back for future posts on other candidates.

By the way, we are super happy to live with our parents but we know many animals don't have food in their bellies, a nice place to sleep at night, or humans to love and care for them. The Humane Society can help you find your local shelter if you're looking to adopt a pet or if you would like to volunteer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you Venus and would vote for you for sure :)