Monday, July 30, 2007

Our first blog post

We are Jigga and Venus Messman, two furry babies that live in Alexandria, VA. Our parents are Dave Messman and Bobbi Russell. They let us set up this blog so we can keep our family and friends up to speed on what we do. We probably won't post every day because we need many naps and are busy in the evenings with barking and eating kibble. We also don't have thumbs so typing can be hard on our paws. But we'll do our best.

We hope you enjoy our blog...and look forward to hearing from you.


Unknown said...

Dear Jigga and Venus,
I TOTALLY love your BLOG. I find myself checking multiple times a day to see what thoughtful things you may have to say.
I have shared the site with Maddie and Henry - they are VERY jealous.
I'll check back soon!
Auntie Nikki

Aunt Pat said...

Dear Jigga and Venus: What a great and fun idea. I really liked finding out about what is going on in your lives and Mommy and daddy's, too. I will definitely check back and see what new escapades you are in to. Love, Aunt Pat

Unknown said...

Dear Bean,
I've been waiting for an upload of a your pix with SBJ. where is it??
love, Nikki

Unknown said...

Aloha Venus and Jigga!!
William and Katie wanted to say HI and we all wish we could see you. Love from Maddie and Henry

patches said...

Dear Venus and Jigga,
What a great blog thingie! I decided making one would be a good way to get to know new friends. I have a new home at Fran's house, but somehow spend a lot of time with this other gal named Ann. I'm not sure what that's about yet. It's all so new.
Anyway, I like greenies, taking naps, wagging my tail in circles and pointing at squirrels. Fran and the other gal keep talking about outfits and Halloween. I don't know what that means, but I keep hearing your names and something about a parade. Anyway, maybe we could get together and play one day.
